The 7 main Sacred Rays
The rays are cosmic energies with one or more colors and come from a certain source. The prism refracts in seven colors and the spiritual light also refracts seven rays. Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality of the consciousness of God.
The seven colors of the Rays are the natural division of pure white light and, when it descends through the prism of its expression, it emits from the heart of God. They represent the subdivision of the whole, that is, Christ, expressed in seven qualitative aspects, in seven aspects of the main qualities of God.
Each ray has multiple functions, which can be used for self-recognition of people, as well as the astral and terrestrial planes. Some people may retain more energy, while others may retain less energy, but believe me, the more we retain more energy, the answer lies in focusing on the Sacred Flame of the seven main Rays of God.
Each ray is directed by one or more Ascended Masters (who have reached nirvana) of the Great White Brotherhood, these Masters have a strong connection with the Earth and developed through self - knowledge the qualities necessary to do this work: how they developed the supreme wisdom, love unconditional, unshakable peace, purity, truth, transformation and right action.
The first seven rays have not only directors, but also Elohins (which are elemental beings [beings different from humans who live in the astral] very spiritually evolved) and Archangels (also different from humans) also very evolved.
For each day of the week, there is an ELOHIM, an ARCHANGEL and a CHOHAN that are dedicated to the service of irradiation of the Light of one of the Seven Rays, that Light that also forms the causal body of each person.
1st Solar Ray - Blue and Crystal - BLUE FLAME
SATURDAY- First Ray - Blue flame with white crystalline rays.
Virtues : Faith, Strength, Power, Protection, Divine Will.
Chohan : Ascended Master EL MORYA
Archangel : MIGUEL (His Divine Complement: FAITH)
Elohim : HÉRCULES (His Divine Complement: AMAZONA)
Ascended Master El Morya Khan, holds the positions of Chohan of the 1st ray of the Divine Will, and head of the Darjeeling council of the Great White Brotherhood.
Chohan is a Tibetan word that means "Lord", "Master" or "Chief".
Of the seven mighty Archangels, Messengers of God, Archangel Migue l, the Lord of the Angels, and has the Holy Faith Archia as a complement. It is the best known; he is the Archangel of faith, protection and deliverance from evil. Endless appeals addressed to him by the people here on Earth and his prompt responses made him closer to Earth. Archangel Michael radiates a dazzling glow of trust and faith in God.
Divine direction and protection; freedom from fear and doubt; strengthening of faith; perfecting the soul.
Protection against physical and spiritual dangers.
It governs all matters of ambition; career and finance.
Whenever you feel the need for protection, you must invoke the Archangel of the 1st Ray:
SÃO MIGUEL in front of me,
SÃO MIGUEL behind me,
SÃO MIGUEL on my right
SÃO MIGUEL on my left
SÃO MIGUEL on top of me,
SÃO MIGUEL below me,
I AM YOUR LOVE that protects HERE!
I AM YOUR LOVE that protects HERE!
I AM YOUR LOVE that protects HERE!
2nd Solar Ray - Yellow and Gold - GOLDEN FLAME
SUNDAY- Second Ray - Golden flame.
Virtues: Wisdom, Enlightenment, Love, Peace.
Chohan : Ascended Master CONFUCIO
Archangel : JOPHIEL (His Divine Complement: CONSTANCE)
Elohim: CASSIOPÉIA (Its Divine Complement: MINERVA)
Currently the director of the 2nd Ray is Mestre Confucius and his Divine complement is Lady Soo Che. The essence of Confucius' teachings is humanity (ren). Kindness is the action of people who love and wisdom is found in people's understanding.
Archangel Jophiel is the great divine teacher of Angels, humans and elemental beings, those who wish to increase their knowledge of Life and the sacred Laws of God. Lord Jofiel serves alongside his Twin Flame named Constantina. Their work is firmly anchored in the conscience of dedicated students, which is the desire to work. Through its irradiation of divine virtue - perseverance (constancy) animates the activity of the flame of Christ in every human heart until it is consummated.
Cassiopeia is the Elohim of the concentrated Force of Attention. Without this predicate, intelligence cannot accept or know, both here and after. The Power of Attention is the open door to your thinking and your total awareness.
Wisdom, enlightenment, understanding, inspiration, knowledge, clear vision, connection with the Higher Self.
Practical help : Helps to assimilate information when studying for exams; dissolution of ignorance, pride and limitations of the mind and liberation from addictions.
Qualities that can be amplified by invocation : Wisdom; Omniscience; the enlightened action; Insight; Intelligence; Knowledge; Humility; Philosophy; Understanding and the desire to know God through the Son's Mind (Christ Mind).
3rd Solar Ray - Pink Flame
MONDAY - Third Ray - Pink flame.
Virtues: Pure Divine Love, Reverence and Worship, Beauty and Tolerance.
Chohan: Ascended Master ROWENA
Archangel: CHAMUEL (His Divine Complement: CÁRITAS)
Elohim: ORION (Its Divine Complement: ANGÉLICA)
Master Rowena is Chohan (director or dispenser) of the Third Rose Ray. The Third Ray represents the magnetic force of the Pink Flame of Divine or Unconditional Love. It is the energy that links the divine idea to physical form. It is the essence of Divine Love that unites all forms and all atoms, that keeps the universe cohesive, tied and integrated.
Archangel Samuel and Charity (Charity) are the Archangels of Love, Worship and Dedication to God; His infinite Mercy is expressed to all humanity. These Archangels offer to expand and expand the external consciousness of humanity, so that the creatures awaken to their true feeling of gratitude and worship to their Source-GOD. They are the ones who stimulate the human child of God to enlarge, to extend the Sacred Flame that is hidden in his heart.
It is the Power of the Great Elohim Orion and his divine complement Angelica, that set the Divine Love in motion in the Cosmos. Cosmic Love is constantly moving impersonally. He sees causes and seeds of imperfection enveloped by the Divine Flame and makes them harmless before they can cause damage and disturbances to the spirit, body and circumstances.
Development of Love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness; dissolving feelings of selflessness, self-condemnation and lack of self-esteem; preparation to receive the Holy Spirit.
Practical help: Protection against spite, slander and misunderstandings; bring new friends and new relationships into your life; recovering difficult relationships; helping people to understand each other; it can help you get work or a parking space, find lost objects. Courage and protection from the dangers of fire and violence.
Qualities that can be amplified by invocation : Divine Love; Omniscience; Understanding; Mercy; Charity; Compassion; Altruism; Pardon; Comfort; Grace; Harmony; Beauty; Creativity; Desire to be God in action for the Love of the Holy Spirit; Communion with Life.
4th Solar Ray - White Flame and Crystal - Meditation.
WEDNESDAY - Fourth Ray - Crystal white flame.
Virtues: Purity, Arts, Resurrection, Ascension.
Chohan: Ascended Master SERAPIS BEY
Archangel: GABRIEL (His Divine Complement: HOPE)
Elohim: CLAIRE (Your Divine Complement: ASTRÉA)
Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, he was High Priest in the Temple of Ascension in Atlantis and his main characteristic is purity, which reveals the most authentic harmony of love.
The magnificent Archangel Gabriel serves in the Fourth Ray. This Ray mainly deals with the construction of a bridge over the abyss between the external intellect and that of the natural divinity in man. Gabriel brings “the good news”. Gabriel, the Archangel of the Annunciation, and his Angels can help us to understand the plan that we, our Higher Self and a group of spiritual beings have prepared for our life before our birth. They can help us remember what we need to do to fulfill that plan and get to know the people who can help us to fulfill it. Gabriel's Twin Flame was made known to you as Hope . The performance of His service is exactly what the name expresses. It gives human hearts HOPE and enthusiasm for the next improvement.
Astrea , the Star Mother, and her Twin Flame Purity, the masculine aspect, are the Elohim of the 4th Ray of God. The fourth ray is the flame of harmony and purity.
Guidelines for your spiritual life; disclosure of your life's plan and purpose; dissipation of discouragement; help bring happiness, joy and fulfillment.
Practical help : Establish order and discipline in your life; organize your physical, mental and emotional environment and give your career a new direction; bring purity to the body, mind and soul. Governs all issues related to women, conception; natural clairvoyance.
Qualities that can be amplified by the invocation : Purity; Integrity; Hope; Perfection; Morality; Divine Law; Joy; Fullness; guideline for Spiritual Life; Self discipline; desire to know and be God in action for the purity of body, mind and soul, for the consciousness of the Divine Mother.
5th Solar Ray - Green Flame
TUESDAY - Fifth Ray - Green flame with golden ray
Virtues: Truth, Dedication, Concentration, Healing.
Chohan : Ascended Master HILARION
Archangel : RAFAEL (His Divine Complement: MOTHER MARY)
Elohim : VISTA or Cyclope (Your Divine Complement: CRISTAL)
Ascended Master Hilarion is Chohan of the fifth ray. It represents the qualities of healing, integrity, music, science and spiritual vision (the third eye). He is the Mentor of Immortal Truth, of Divine Science, of all physical and metaphysical branches of science and healing arts; the eternal empiricist who brings to the initiatic path the one who seeks the truth. "You will know the truth and the Truth will set you free".
Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael , are the archangels of the 5th Green Ray of Healing. Archangels work on the emotional body, because we have not yet mastered our mental body. We need to heal emotions in order to seek balance in the mind and evoke Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary evoke healing. Raphael is the Prince of Virtues, helper of healing work, carrying a golden bottle and balm. Bring a sharp sword or arrow. It is God's medicine. Raphael must remedy the ills of humanity. Archangel represented with a stick, he is the faithful conservator of the secrets of the Temple and intermediary of legitimate communion. He is the Archangel of healing, he is the divine complement of Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus. Archangel Raphael dedicates his existence to the service of irradiations to heal, in the glorious Temples of Light of the highest planes of Divine Perfection, where he lives. These rays of healing are aimed not only at the physical children of the visible world, but also at any needy astral life - and the psychic planes that surround the Earth.
The Great Elohim Vista is the all-seeing Divine Eye from the Camera Council for Earth. It is the Elohim of the Fifth Ray, known under the name Cyclope or Cyclopéia. It is simultaneously the Elohim of Concentration, Devotion, Healing and Music. Along with its divine complement Crystal , Elohim Vista is endeavoring, through music, to carry the physical, mental, emotional and etheric consciousness of humanity and to maintain this harmony uninterruptedly, so that the forces of men can contribute for the music of the spheres.
Integrity, vision, spiritual vision, inspiration of truth.
Practical help : Treatment of the body, mind, soul and spirit; inspiration for studying and practicing conventional and alternative music, mathematics, science and medicine; satisfaction of physical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, work tools. It governs intelligence, writings and medicine.
Qualities that can be amplified by invocation : Inspiration from the truth; Cure; Constancy; Integrity; Spiritual Vision.
6th Solar Ray - GOLD RUBY FLAME - Ruby light
THURSDAY - Sixth Ray - Ruby flame with gold.
Virtues : Peace, Devotion, Mercy, Healing.
Chohan : Ascended Master NOTHING
Archangel : URIEL (His Divine Complement: DONA GRACE)
Elohim : TRANQUILITAS (Its Divine Complement: PACIFIC)
The sixth Ray and the Mission of Master Nothing is to radiate Healing, Peace, Unconditional Love. It also represents selfless devotion, humble cooperation, service. Master Nada is one of the members of the Karmic Council, representing the Third and Sixth Rays of Love.
Master Jesus was Chohan of this Ray until he was promoted, together with Master Kuthumi, to World Teacher and since then Master Nada has poured out His Love and help through the Sixth Ray.
Archangel Uriel serves on the Sixth Ray and Its function is to protect and collaborate with the evolution belonging to Earth (about ten billion souls, of which, however, only three and a half billion incarnate at the same time). Its Divine complement is known to you as Donna Graça ; and the members of his angelic court are innumerable and are constantly present in prisons, hospitals, reformatories and nursing homes.
The Great Elohim of Peace , the Beloved Tranquilitas and His Divine Complement, the Peaceful Beloved, helped to create the world. These Great Beings, who serve in the Sixth Ray, have developed and maintained for eons the attribute of peace. They will assist in this condition to be achieved, and will respond to calls involving the creature in the energy of His Divine Peace, blessing families. , communities, countries, in short the whole planet.
Inner peace, tranquility of mind, dissolving us of anger and fear in our psyche, renewing hope.
Practical help : It is at the service of peace and brings serenity, fraternity. Peaceful resolution of problems in personal, social and professional relationships; helps to create a harmonious environment conducive to creativity and growth; inspiration and help to nurses, doctors, hospital workers, lawyers, teachers, judges, civil servants and all who serve others.
Qualities that can be amplified by invocation : Peace; inner peace; fraternity; ministry and desire to be at the service of God and man for the mastery of Christ; devotion and love for God and neighbor.
7th Solar Ray - VIOLET FLAME - Violet Light - Transmutation.
FRIDAY - Seventh Ray - Violet flame.
Virtues: Love, Mercy, Compassion, Appeals, Transmutation and Freedom.
Chohan: Ascended Master SAINT GERMAIN
Archangel: EZEQUIEL (His Divine Complement: AMETHYST)
Elohim: ARCTUROS (Its Divine Complement: DIANA)
The Lord of this Age, the great Master SAINT GERMAIN , his love and power is so intense and wonderful, that it fills a whole heart, because he is kind and sweet, join him, because he can help you. Along with their divine complement, Master Pórtia , they complement the essence of the energy of the seventh ray, as it focuses more on the energy of Justice, and Saint Germain focuses on the energy of Freedom and Compassion.
The Beloved Archangel Ezequiel and his divine complement, the Beloved Archeia Amethyst, make up the direction of the seventh ray of the Planetary Hierarchy, together shaping the Violet Flame of Freedom, Transmutation, Alchemy, Forgiveness and Justice, the same divine qualities, that the Beloved Master Saint Germain and BemAmada Mestra Pórtia, work.
Beloved Elohim Arcturus and his divine complement, Beloved Diana , work in the violet flame of transmutation and liberation, help humanity to disconnect from the karmic “knots” and move forward in its evolutionary paths.
Freedom, happiness, joy, forgiveness, justice, mercy, dissolution of painful memories and negative traits.
Practical help: Dissolving negative karma; dissolving painful memories and negative personality traits; inspiration for scientists, engineers, architects, actors.
Qualities that can be amplified by invocation: Freedom; justice; tolerance; mercy; pardon; joy; transmutation; transcendence; diplomacy; ritual; desire to do all things new by applying the laws of Alchemy.