The term Apometria comes from the Greek -Apó: preposition that means beyond, outside, to separate; and -Metron: related to the measure.
It represents the classic split between the physical body and the spiritual bodies of the human being. It is not exactly mediumistic, it is just a technique for separating thesecomponents.
Apometry is an unfolding technique that can be applied to all creatures, regardless of health, age, mental health and resistance offered. It is a general method, easy to be used by duly qualified people and capable leaders. Always presents an effective result in all patients.
It is an Integrative Therapy and can be done even if a patient is undergoing another treatment.
Dr. José Lacerda de Azevedo (doctor), affectionately qualified by his acquaintances as a Preceptor of Spiritual Medicine, became a doctor in the class of 1950 and became involved in the Spiritist Doctrine from an early age.
During 1965, a Porto-Rican psychiatrist named Luiz Rodrigues was in Porto Alegre / RS, who gave a lecture at the Spiritist Hospital of that city, demonstrating a technique he had been using in the sick in general, obtaining satisfactory results.
Called Hypnometry, this technique was defended at the VI Pan American Spiritist Congress, in 1963, in the city of Buenos Aires / Argentina. This technique consisted of the application of concentrated and progressive magnetic pulses in the patient's astral body, while, by suggestion, commanded their removal.
Mr. Luiz Rodrigues was a researcher, he was not a spiritist or a doctor, but he brought new possibilities and a huge field for experimentation if conducted with objective and systematic methods.
Immediately, Dr. José Lacerda tested the methodology with Dona Yolanda, his wife and medium of great sensitivity. Using its judicious methodology, its solid doctrinal formation, the constant observation of the phenomena, solidly improved the initial technique and changed its name to Apometry. At the time, a large hospital complex in the spiritual dimension was identified, called Hospital Amor e Caridade, from where the assistance and coverage for assistance work, directed by him, started.
Since then, this technique has been improved by several Therapists and Mediums, for example: Traditional, Quantum, Arcturian, Universalist, Christistic, Cosmic, Apometry.
I took my first course in Traditional Apometry for five months a few years ago, then I attended numerous courses, lectures and classes in the areas of Apometry mentioned above and I developed my own method with the aid of the Apometric Sessions of All Human and Extra Egregoras of Light human, physical and spiritual, astral and etheric, with many other elementals in support of each Apometry session.
I watch and attend many courses and lectures on the subject, as I love to improve more and more this almost magical technique of cleaning bodies, beings, elementals and energies.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The Illumine-se® Supersonic Apometry is a session that lasts about 3 to 4 hours, can be done with or without the physical presence of the beneficiaries, as the Apômetra is Medium and connects to the vibrational field of the apometrized patients anywhere, dimension, life and time through the Light Teams that assist it.
It is an energetic, mental, spiritual, vibrational, astral and even physical cleaning technique, which provides many benefits in each session, among them:
- cleaning and balance of bodies, chakras, for chakras, glands and for glands, systems: circulatory, respiratory, endocrine and exocrine;
- removes, deactivates and dissolves implants, chips, trackers, clones, holograms, obsessors, energetic vampires, intrusive energies;
- transmutes poorly qualified feelings in our aura such as: envy, dark magic, vodoo, obsession, jealousy, evil eye, conflicts, pain and suffering in general, harassment, imbalances, etc .;
- mental cleaning, energetic and conscientious elevation work is also done,
- disconnection of apometrized beings from computers and involutive machines;
- activates and reactivates the Three-fold Flame of the heart center and the memory layers;
- assists in the expansion and reactivation of the Thymus gland (soul gland) and other key glands for the development of the body, mind and spirit;
- asepsis and regenerates all matters related to blood, crystals, organs, limbs and energy cables;
- activation of crystals, light codes and sacred etheric / astral geometries for the benefit of each person enrolled in the apometry;
- closes and seals negative and umbraline portals linked to apometrized beings;
- cleans and harmonizes the emotional charges and the processes of disharmonious resonance, obsession, retro obsession, etc .;
- a scan of artifacts, chips, implants, locks, locks, neutralizers, energetic wires, traps, parasites, larvae, miasmas, among other vestments, records or the like, is made for complete asepsis of the apometrized person;
- dissociates the archapadia from all lives;
- readjust the daily photon pattern;
- cancels negative cell memories, epigenetics, DNA, RNA and cosmic GNA;
- dissolves the imbalance of black duality;
- it deactivates and completely invalidates the induction of poverty, of financial limitations of any kind and order, clones, dark beings and obsessive fundraiser;
- harmonic resonance with the Divine Self;
- opens and seals portals of light, health, prosperity, success and many other immeasurable benefits in helping and supporting Apometrized Beings;
The Supersonic Apometry Illumine-se can be done individually or collectively.